Customer Testimonials

“Outrack Services has made the insurance tracking business very easy and pleasant.  I would feel very comfortable referring any one to Outrack.  Thanks Outrack for your professionalism and hard work.”
Chris Koch Hi-Land Credit Union

“To Whom It May Concern:

It has been my pleasure for the past two years to work with Outrack Services to handle the tracking of auto insurance for TransWest Credit Union. In the past we have had coverage tracked with companies that had force placed insurance plans, prorated refunds, and lapse in coverage costs. We felt that in the best interest of our members, a company such as Outrack Services was a benefit as it put the credit union in control versus an insurance company.

We have had a very positive relationship with Outrack Services. Their staff is always willing to go the extra mile to verify coverage for members.

In addition, we recently selected Outrack Services to track our mortgage loan insurance. Their prices are fair and we feel it is a benefit for the credit union and our members.

I would highly encourage any company to have Outrack Services monitor and track their insurance needs.”

Rose KocinskiTransWest Credit Union

“Outrack Services have been a wonderful asset for us.  They provide us with a useful service to track our members’ insurance coverage, without the burden of heavy premiums to our members and the opportunity for fee income for the Credit Union.

Outrack Services have been thorough, competent, friendly and helpful.  The staff has been awesome to work with.  They go the extra mile in contacting agents or members to get coverage information and quick to respond to our questions.”
LeAnn Campbell Meadow Gold Employee’s Credit Union

“After starting work at a local Credit Union, I was promoted to Insurance Tracking and began working with a large tracking company. I became extremely frustrated with this company because they would take months to issue a simple refund for our members and it made the members very upset. Outrack Services was a great solution to this problem, not only are refunds in the hands of each Credit Union; Outrack Services provides a fast, efficient and accurate tracking program. It has made a big difference within our internal insurance tracking department and helps keep our members happy. “
Ashley HatfieldNebo Credit Union

“Desertview Federal CU has only been with Outracking Services for a short period of time, but the time we have had, has been be very easy and pleasant. Outrack Services has been very efficient and quick to respond to any and all of my questions (which has been plenty) that we have had. Outrack is helpful because they will contact our members and our members insurance carriers and track down a current policy for them to help them avoid the monthly fee. Outracking has made our switch very easy. Thanks again Outracking!”
Lorrie Denison Desertview Federal Credit Union

To Fellow credit unions
“I am pleased to recommend Outrack Services for insurance tracking.  We have never been successful in tracking our members’ insurance on Trains, Plane, and Automobiles.  Well the truth is we don’t have any Train or Plane loans.  But we do have Autos, RV, and Mortgage loans.
The old company we used to use tracked and sent letters and then sent us a listing and we would add 14% Insurance Policy on the loan and sent them 100% of the Insurance Policy added.  The insurance only covers a wrecked vehicle if you repossess it.  It doesn’t meet our State of Utah minimum standards for insurance because it has no coverage for the other vehicle.

We switched to Outrack Services a number of years ago.  We know add a small percentage Fee per month (fee, not insurance).  We keep the majority of the fee and send Outrack Services their percentage of the fees.  It has been great.  We have more members getting the Insurance they promised to get when we gave them a loan.  We make a little money and do our own refunds (up to 2 months) immediately as a teller transaction, if we so choose.

Well, I don’t mind writing a testimonial for Outrack Services, because they are one of our best vendor experiences and we like to do business with them; but I don’t know how to explain the whole thing without writing several pages. If you don’t understand it, you’ll just have to call me.”
Dennis Murray – President Premier Services Credit Union


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